Currently, we are in total 45 producing partners dedicated to the production and export of organic coffee with fair trade. We are mostly young producers with an average age of 30 years. We are located in the cantons of Calama and Nogalani of the Caranavi province. 85% live from the production of coffee 15% live, also, from other crops, such as: citrus, banana and other crops for family consumption.

Country: BOLIVIA
Region / area: CARANAVI
Number of producers: 45
Average of plots: 4 HAS IN PRODUCTION
Contact: Elías Choconapi Chino
Average annual exportable production: 160 TN

The Cooperativa Agropecuaria BIO ARÁBICA R.L. It was created on August 17, 2017, legally established in Bolivia. Located in the Caranavi province of the department of La Paz, Bolivia. We currently have 45 coffee producing partners.
The group of producers was organized in January 2013 with 12 producer families, with the objective of improving organic production prioritizing the production of coffee and its export to international markets. Due to the lower volume of storage, coffee is sold in micro lots.
In 2014, the plan for the renewal of coffee plantations was carried out, preserving the origins of coffee and selecting, in our same plots, varieties resistant to pests and diseases.
The first renovation was carried out on 8 hectares with 32,000 pots of coffee seedlings. In 2015, 64,000 potted seedlings were produced in 16 hectares. In 2016, 11 hectares were renovated. In 2017 we reduced the renovation to 9 hectares, due to the fact that we dedicated ourselves to the constitution of the new Cooperative. The year 2018, already legally established and with ecological seal and certification, such as IMOCERT and “Fair Trade: FLOCERT”; we produce 60,000 new seedlings in coffee pots in 15 hectares.

BIO ARÁBICA is a cooperative dedicated to the production and commercialization of organic coffee, with the purpose of improving the living conditions of the members, committed to caring for the environment.

To be leaders in the production and marketing of organic coffee of the highest quality, in the coffee sector, generating great profitability for the members of the cooperative.
- Strengthen the socio-economic development of the associated families.
- Establish strategies in production and marketing that provide sustainability to the associates.
- Contribute to the generation of jobs in the production area.

Arabica Bio Producers and Producers